We went back up to Harpers Ferry this weekend to take the dogs to the vet and to the riverses. The vet appts. went well. June is fit as a fiddle, Cane got ear medicine for his ear infection and Hank has a pretty severe heart murmur so he's apparently going to blissfully peace out one afternoon while napping on the couch instead of some other more painful death... things could be worse for a 14 year old dog, right? Other than the murmur, he's a fit and happy 14 year old.
Amber is still honeymooning so Babe came with us for another vacation in HF, and we brought her life jacket so she could do some swimming.

Once the vet appts. were through, we gathered up the troops and headed down to the river. Babe was hilarious. She's so slow on land, that I will often pick her up (much to Amber's ire) and carry her places just because I don't have an hour to move from the car to the house, or from point A to point B... seriously, it will take her an hour to walk a block and a half... the jackass... some of it is because she's overweight and has arthritis, but some of it is because she's just stubborn and rolls on her time, not anyone else's... well, in the water, with her life jacket on, she is a little, white, bouyant submarine... she is so fast, I think she startled Cane and June! At one point she zoomed out to play stick with them, and then as she got close, she let out this terrible growl, and Cane and June scattered and beelined for shore to seek out our protection,

and Babe came zooming back to shore with the stick and a very large smile. hahaha, what a buttmuncher!

Hank stayed on dry land and watched it all, parked happily next to Chris.

The Johnny Cash sign is doing well. The last time we were out there, I noticed that some jackasses had started tagging their crappy poorly written handles around The Cash, and thought, what douches, they can't even appreciate good graffiti... well, someone did and went out and covered The Cash and spray painted over all the other trash... thank you random graffiti art appreciator in Harpers Ferry...I like that sign too.

aah, so back to the river. We took the old dogs back inside to nap and grabbed the young ones again and hit the other side of the river for more play. June is ferocious in the water. hahaha look at her going in to eat Cane.

Her river shark mode belies her sweet seal face and her lovely dog park nature in the city. I mean, c'ummon man, look at that face!! Get her in the water man, and it's all over... she's a funny little girl, and I love her to pieces!

aah, I miss Harpers Ferry in the summer. The rivers are low and beautiful, there's usually a breeze in the air, the dogs are in heaven and how can anyone be unhappy knee deep in cool water on a hot day.

I wish we had a river near us on capitol hill... yeah yeah, I know there's the Anacostia and Potomac river flanking us, but one will give you a rash is you're in it for too long and the other one periodically turns up floaters for the DCPD to figure out, and I'm not sure which is worse, floaters or pollution, so I won't say which is which... Anyhoo, check out Cane fetching the stick... he is the most alert one of the pack... throw a stick, or think about eating, and he's on it... he just feels your intention and is right there...

haha, June on the other hand, loves playing with kicked water... she'll chase Cane chasing the stick, but water kicked at her, that's her game... Cane on the other hand just looks offended when you kick water at him... dogs are so funny

So, after making a bunch of pictures, I handed the camera to Chris and said shoot! (I know my watermarks are on this one above and the 8 images below, sorry, I loaded them all into LightRoom and added my standard copyright without changing the ones he made to his name this next bunch was made by Chris). SO, Chris was about waist deep in water and as I headed to shore, June headed towards Chris and check out what he made!! hahahah!!! I LOVE this bunch of images! June loves taking in water, drinking some and then letting the rest sluice through her mouth, it must feel good. We see her do it all the time but have never actually caught her on film doing it until now. Hahaha enjoy! SO in the image above there she goes like a shovel, tucking into the river and then...


but wait...

what's in there!

ooh hahaha, she sucked up some algae and thought it was GROSS!!

hahaha, sweet hound!! (Thanks Chris for making these!!)

oh man, I needed this so bad. I'm enjoying the city, and the dog park, and, of course, I love my job, but there's little that compares to drinking your morning coffee at around 7:30am like this...

yeah, this is a little piece of heaven, coffee, swimming dogs and a river... it doesn't really get any better, why must work be so far away from this! Come on universe, give me a break here... (like I have anything to complain about...I know my life rocks... I'm well aware and quite thankful)

SO one of Cane's favorite things to do is to bay at June, trying to get her to play... here she is panting and taking a break and here's Cane talking crap to her... he's really funny the way he gears up and says, aaaawwwrrraarrrrroooooo... sometimes he ends it with a squeaky little bark and sometimes with a trilling growly end

and a couple seconds later, it works every time... so, once again...

talking smack...

making faces...

and game over...

river shark Junie attacks!

and the days ends with a dance off... think 'Riverdance' in it's most literal meaning (no offense little Irish girls, I know you train so hard, but these kids are naturals...)

Everybody gets dry in the grass on the way back to the house...
we all take a nap

and then go out in the evening to do it all again...

Life is good.

Chris, thanks for having us!