well, I decided to stay in and I'm glad I did, because Hank is absolutely shattered...
on an up note though, as I was taking out the garbage, I ran into my next door neighbors and they were about to set off fireworks and invited me to watch with them. They're a lovely family and I hope to spend a lot more time with them... well, the grown ups... the teenagers liked my tattoos but otherwise relegated me to their parents generation... old...

hahaha, yeah... getting there... Edward and his wife are the kind of people that say hello to you and emit such kindness and joy that you want to hug them, immediately... (without scaring them away...)
bystanders coming back from the Mall would stop and watch with us for a few seconds, as we were blocking the whole sidewalk and they had to jump out onto the street to avoid the fireworks, and me croughed right in the middle... oops, our bad...
we thought this guy was going to walk right through them but he was just making video, I bet it was fun too, he got really close before jumping away at the last second
I am starting to love my neighborhood... as ill tempered as I was about moving to the city, it's starting to grow on me again... having the dogs here helps tremendously and meeting good neighbors is another huge bonus...
and here are my new neighbors... oh hahaha!!! um, here are the folks that have been here for a while having their picture made by the new neighbor (keeping things in perspective)
Hello Capitol Hill, I think I can stay here a while...
at one point we had block wars going on, one either side of us... there would be a big firework set of on one block and then the next block over would set off one of theirs, it was like watching firework tennis, our heads moving side to side, looking to the sky as we'd all say, oooohhhh.....
oh and Hank, here's what he thinks of the 4th of July... hyperventilating in the corner
until he puked in fear... oh my poor old man... his life is so hard sometimes
it's tough being Hank... happy 4th of July to everyone, hope it was safe and fun... (and that you had a better time than this guy)

I'm so glad you're back, I've missed you!
I'm thrilled that you are easing your way back into DC and that you can finally call something "home" that you can actually go to at the end of the day. Mucho, mucho thanks to Merv and Amber and whoever else allowed Miriam to crash on their turf for many months.
Are you looking to change the name of your blog? I have a few suggestions if you are.
....and to think you even have a key to the front door!!!! YAY!!
I spent the night of the fourth desensitizing Kai to the fireworks. I think it worked. Poor Hank... he's a lost cause at this point.. just spoil him!
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