While I was in Harpers Ferry this weekend, I stopped in to visit with Corey and Konrad. I've missed my friends terribly,~ Shawna, Attila, Ruby and the farm, ~the Fair brothers, ~Corey, Brendan and Konrad, ~Donnie, ~Dean and Steve, ~Carrie, Chad and the girls. Chris and I made some really super friends while I lived there and I'm sorry that I don't live close enough to just drop in when the spirit moves me (which is the best way to receive or be company, in my opinion). SO, last week, I called Corey and set up a visit and was so glad that I did.
OK, so, here's the Kaiser in all of his long legged glory! He'll be 2 years old in mid August, and I'm just stunned by how he no linger looks like a baby... I went away for only a few months and he's now a child...

a child that loves to give you things... hahaha, here he is offering me a very carefully harvested piece of Norman the dog fluff... he's quite thoughtful and serious about his gift giving.

He could have done this all day with Corey... secrets and Mom's breath on your ear is a lovely way to spend the afternoon

well either secrets or buttmunching... the Kaiser was howling! I was howling on the inside, and the three of us were just having a great time on a lazy Sunday afternoon in our (well used to be mine) sleepy little town. Chris was looking through these pictures on the camera and he got to this one and I thought he'd laugh, but he thought it was odd... ugh, men, buttmunching is love. It's something you do with your child, in the company of friends, on a day that just feels good to be healthy, happy and safe. This picture says 'we are living well'. I love it!

This is one of his new things, checking out the floor. He reminds me of a Hugh Prather poem that went something like...
'There were seventy-five people in the lobby and only a seven-year-old girl was finding out what it felt like to sit on the marble floor'.
That was from I touch the Earth, the Earth touches me. My friend Craig gave that book of poetry to me for my 17th birthday and I still have it and I still read through it every once and a while. Floors are a very underrated part of everyday living, there's so much joy and creativity you can gather from just checking out the floor once in a while.

So, unfortunately I timed my visit incorrectly and the Kaiser was on a steep decent to a mid day nap.

I love these sleepy moments of watching his wheels turn. I love that his face is on the cool, slightly uneven wood, and his fingers are slowly touching Norman's slick nails, and when his fingers slide off the nails he runs them over soft fur and all the while his eyes are half shut, close to dreaming. Watching children fascinates me...

oh man he was tired... but look at all of his teeth!! Oh he's got a mouthful! hahaha, it was so cool to see him so grown. He was a totally new little boy, with the same sweet face, but a brand new long and lean little body. I put my hands around his torso to feel the difference and he felt like a child, no more baby fat, no pudgy little tummy or sausage legs, he was so tall and coordinated. (and tired!!)

and a couple minuted later, he was out like trout...

oh I love this image... those sleeping feet, the pretty door, and we all go inside, the end...

well almost the end, while Konrad took a snooze, Corey and I caught up and toured their garden.

One of the things i miss most about the country is how I took the farm and our gardens for granted. I missed being able to grow anything this year because I was in transition and I look out at my one scraggly tomato plant that's barren of fruit and I think, next year... but in the meantime, I'm going to start an herb garden for the fall. YAY! Corey loaded me up with fresh summer squash and zucchini, pickling cucumbers, red onions and 2 basil plants. THANK YOU FRIEND!!

and thank you for the blissful visit, it was such a wonderful part of my weekend. See you soon!
Oh Miriam, we miss you terribly. This post was just darling. Thank you. The pictures are amazing, as usual !! I could of (would of liked to of) spend the whole day with you. I am grateful to of gotten the time I did get with you.
You look fantabulous ~ and I really enjoyed hearing your stories.
We'll come see you in DC... as we need our city fix too.
I loved the buttmunching. It's absolutely a "mommy" thing to do. Just like putting your lips on their belly and blowing. It makes a funny sound. My father used to do that to my sisters and me and we loved it!
I also loved the shots of Conrad on the floor with Norman. That is so serene, connected and content.
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