Off of the mountain and back to DC...

Off of the mountain and back to DC...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

a blue moon new year

I guess I should start with the present, even though I've got a ton of past to sort through. Happy New Year everyone. New Year's Eve was a blue moon night. It was the second night I spent in the little blue house with Hank and June. My whole life is in blue plastic containers and brown cardboard boxes, but when I stepped outside into the frigid night to let the dogs out, I staggered into the amazing glow of the blue moon. It was after midnight, and I was layered in thin long sleeve shirts, bundled nostalgically in my grandfather's Irish fisherman's wool sweater that's too big for me, shoved under my jacket which fits when I'm not layered like a swaddled infant (or Ralphie's younger brother in A Christmas Story, you know, when he can't get his arms down, that was perfectly me). And there I stood, looking out at 5 acres of mountain woods with the sky a magical shade of ivory blue cast down from a cloudy sky and reflected back up by the snow. I had a perfect leading line of the snowy driveway path that I'd made with my car leading off to the left flanked by naked trees. It reminded me of Hurricane Andrew, standing in front of the dining room windows, faintly hearing my Mother yell at me to get away from the windows before they blow in, and just staring at the street, pouring rain, debris tumbleweeding past the house like a dust storm of mailboxes and pool furniture, and thinking to myself... this is just beautiful, like a desert carnival of color and activity, where's the camera. I was 17 then, and I'd only been back from Middletown for less than 12 hours. Welcome back to Miami bozo! The blue moon New Year's evening was the same, just a different color palette. Think Picasso and his blue period, not Kodak and their blasted warm tones. My camera was on loan to Chris whom was shooting a New Year's Eve wedding in Annapolis, and I just stood there in shock... so much to capture in my words without an image to show you, it was a bit scary, not having the reassurance of proof to back up my memory. And so I stood there, swaying, freezing in the cold blue gorgeous night, until I started to shiver, and even then, I didn't want to go back in, it was so beautiful. So, that's how 20ten began for us here in the little blue house up in the mountains of West Virginia.
12 months to go before I move to NY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A writer you should be!!! (besides a phenomenal photographer). Enjoy the little blue house with the red (and white) dog.