Jenna and I shot Lisa and Andy's wedding last weekend and we had a ball! Lisa and Andy are lovely people and when we had our first meeting with them, Lisa told us that she didn't want any images made of her. HHHhahahahaha!!! HUH? No images of the bride? This was our task? Our hearts stopped and for the next several weeks we poured over the internet, looking for wedding images from other Photographers that had managed to make beautiful images of the wedding not including the brides face. We sent emails of pictures back and forth and made lists of things we could do that would keep with that taxing request. A few weeks later, Lisa backed off that request, and we both sighed with relief, would have kicked her shins had she been in reach, but then thought about it and both wanted to hug her for making us work so hard, trying to create beautiful images. Thanks Lisa, your request made us better Photographers... hmm, did you do that on purpose... hmm...
Anyhoo, we had scoped out the church the week before and then had lunch to talk about how crafty we could be... and we are crafty... The morning of the wedding, we split off and Jenna went with the girls and I went with the boys to shoot their preparations. I like going with the boys, because they are usually more calm.

Here's a lovely shot Jenna made of the Lisa having her hair done. The girls are always nervous and edgy which makes me nervous, where as the boys are usually joking around to shed their nervous energy, which makes me feel better.
True to form, when I asked Andy what he wanted for his groomsmen picture, he said, by the boat... the sailboat, up on wheels, out in the field, that is... so out we tromped into the cold to make some fun shots.

Here's Andy running from his groomsmen while they threw snowballs at him. They eventually caught him, scooped him up over one of their shoulders and gave him a hard time. Fun shots, made, we headed to church to meet up with the ladies. The ladies all looked lovely,

and Lisa's dress was AMAZING! I could see Gene Tierney wearing this dress, it was that type of elegance. Jenna made this one, and I love the little one watching all the fluffing and excitement. I barely remember when my Mother got married to my stepfather, I was 4 years old, but I do remember how great it felt to wear my dress! Haha, I was horrible at their wedding, crying and having a full on temper tantrum when I had to throw the flowers (I was their flowergirl) and my Mother tells me that it was a miracle that my Dad said yes when asked... ugh, I was a rotten kid... but the memory of all the dresses layers rustling when I moved, that is a permanent memory.

Hahaha, Jenna made this one too! I love the nervous stance, and the garter belt, which was not taken off by the groom's teeth at the party. I abhor that tradition! And, I LOVE the shoes! Hot red heels for a new wife, how saucy!!

Here's the bride to be, with her Mother while they were getting ready, another one of Jenna's.

The wedding was lovely, the church was beautiful, and it allowed us to make images that we have not been able to make in the past. I made this one, but only because Jenna saw it's potential when we first toured the church. I'm not sure in the frenzy of the after ceremony pictures that I would have seen this opportunity. Nice eyes Jenna! I love and fear every wedding we photograph. Weddings inspire terror in me, the images must be great, you've got one chance to make them and they are always soooooo long. This one was no different, with the exception that Jenna and I have shot enough of them together now, that I trust her, as well as myself, to get what we need independently of one another but to also be able to read her. I can see her getting the good shots in the relaxing of her shoulders, and I can see when she misses one and I make sure to get make a couple of the same thing to make sure as a collective that we've got it all. She does the same thing to me, and in the end, we come up with really great collections. I love shooting with Jenna, and I can't say it enough. She's a good partner, and she makes me laugh, hard, and often.

Here are Lisa and Andy in the middle of their wedding, and there is nothing but them, and a moment of pure joy. Nice one Jenna. I couldn't see this from the back of the church, and I'm sure most of the other people in the church couldn't either.

The ceremony, my point of view. Jenna calls me the closer. I am more comfortable shooting from the back, and so I always get the happy newlyweds leaving the church or place of marriage

and Jenna always gets the juicy ceremony shots.

Jenna gets the fronts, the close ups, the intimacy in their faces, the good stuff, the sweet looks, and the love...

and she leaves me to my strengths, which is to just shoot what I see... the pieces of intimacy that make me smile, that I wouldn't be able to see without Jenna shooting from the front. I hate shooting weddings without her. (and I love that while she was making a lovely picture of them in the window, I could make this picture, which I love, it's one of my favorites of the day)

This is another one of my favorites that I made that day. It's their first dance. The reception was at the Carnagie on 15th and P St, NW, and their reception ahll is gorgeous!! Jenna stayed on the floor to make close ones of them and gave me the opportunity to make lovely ones like this from the balcony.
Which brings us to the best image of the day. Hahaha, I know it's not of the bride and groom, but she just nailed this image!

Hhahahahaha!! This is Andy's Father with his brother, 'Uncle' Dick. Don't they just look like they stepped out of the portraits on the wall to get a couple refreshments before exiting back into their paintings. Jenna, you crafty girl!!!
So, another successful wedding, another happy couple that were just wonderful.
Congratulations Andy and Lisa!! Live long and well.
Fabulous pictures Miriam!!! I really like the last one.
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