I had the pleasure of hanging with Konrad this afternoon, and although I'm exhausted and should actually be packing for Miami, I leave tomorrow morning, I just need to get all the wonderful things he did onto... um, paper... *sigh*, I"m so old... before I forget them all. So, he's 17 months old now, and I've barely seen him since starting at the Museum. Well, let me tell you that I was shocked and amazed by his growth. I always have a great time with the Doctor, he's a neat kid, very kind, never mean or nasty, even when he's sobbing his eyes out wishing me back to the cave I crawled out of to terrorize him, he never lashes out with his little limbs, or has a look in his eye that has any type of malice at all, he just really wished I'd leave him the 'F' alone and return his parents... immediately. But, my time away has made me realize just how extraordinary he is, and how amazing he's going to be... let me essplain.... in pictures, of course

This is the current Kaiser. Look at that new expression... he's funny! He's bright, and inquisitive, and kind of hysterical, I mean, what other 17 month old makes this type of statement with their little hands hanging onto their suspenders like they're running for office. I think he was telling me that he already knew all about spaghetti, and I was seriously boring him...

Hahahaha!!, so his new thing is to put things in his pocket. If I handed it to him, into the pockets it went. Check out, yet again, the cool stance, hand on low slung pants (thank goodness for his suspenders) perfect expression, and yup, some cool toys just chillin in his pockets... what a little riot!

Today was in the low 50's and although it's still really cold to me, he just wanted to be outside, um, like all frigging day, Kid, seriously, I'm from Miami... I almost froze my face off... while Konrad couldn't have been happier or more comfortable...

Ooooohhhh... today's first wonderful adventure was to the library. I'd never been to the library with the Kaiser, and I thought he might be at the age where he could appreciate the change of environment and all the colorful books, oh, and FISH!!! uuuugh!!!! He could not get enough of the fish. I brought over a chair that he could stand on, and although he roamed the library and had an awesome time, he kept coming back to these fish, he even said it several times, although it sounded like he was saying, fshhhhhhh, or iiiissssss.... but whatever, I got it...

So, the first amazing thing of the day, for me, happened here. Konrad had picked out several books, and one of them had a fish on it, after staring at the tank for a while, he got down, went over to his pile of books, on the floor, picked out the one with the big fish on it, pointed a the fish, looked at me, pointed at the tank, and said fshhhh, and then about faced, and walked over to the fish tank to show the fish. I about fshhhh'ed in my pants. 17 months!!! WTF!!! I was in shock, mouth open, stupefied shock.

here's a close up of the book in his hands. Fsshhhhh!!!!

yeah, so the library was a huge success until a little, not to be named, genius pooped his pants, and it was time to go home.

on the way home, we passed a little dog and I said, hey Konrad, want to see the dog, de hund? (hund being one of the handful of German words I know, and I use it every chance I get, that along with kitze: cat, vassemelon: watermelon, vassah: water, elephante: seriously, if I need to translate that one, you are just looking at the pictures, aren't you), so Konrad looked over, and said, whoo, whoo, whoo, ahahahah! vunderkind, Konrad vunderind! We then passed a cat at the next house and I stopped again and said, Konrad, look, Kitze!, and he said, oew, oew, and then the cat came over and said, meow, and we all laughed, as the cat blew the Kaiser's mind (Corey said it was his first meow, and I believed it because he was just THRILLED) and he blew mine, kitze's say oew and hunds say woo wooo, and the fish, oh man, the freaking fish book, just WOW!

we got back, had a snack in some lovely light, and then...

he threw some pretty mean gang signs at me, and I danced with him to alleviate the tension... I had no guff with him or his boys... and by boys, I mean, his stuffed elephant, the john deere tractor and his wooden fruit that I knew he kept hidden in his pockets should things go down wrong... I wanted no part of that, no sir...

Yup, I would have trashed this, but Corey said it was neat, so here's my totally overexposed glamour shot of Konrad in his Dad's mad shades. Corey said that Brendan wore these one summer, and all I can say is, Dude, I hope you and your brass balls rocked these things!!!

Cause you got some stiff competition, Brendan...

uuh, hahaha!!! This was so awesome, we were making spaghetti for lunch, and I gave Konrad a piece to play with, and as he was pulling on it, it snapped... right onto his forehead, it broke on both ends and the middle went splat, right onto his knob. Oh, I was howling, and the poor Doctor was just confused. When I finally came to my senses and could breathe without gagging with laughter,

I pulled it from his forehead, and then he thought it was funny too... I tell you, he's just amazing!!

and then Mom came home for lunch, and look at his eyes, he loves, loves, loves this lady. I understand why, but it's so great to watch him with her, and in turn,

check out the flow... this kid is well loved, and it's so lovely to see it...

I love this picture... he's just making sure I know he's the man... and his Mom is home, and he's loving every second of it...

Hey!! Here's a milestone, this is Konrad's fist picture that he's ever made. Ha!! and it's a self portrait. I was making pictures of him and the glasses again when he leaned over and put his wee finger on the trigger, and poof, a portrait of the artist as a young man, take that James Joyce (no offense, Mr. Joyce, I love that book, I'm just saying...)

Ugh, again with the outside and the cold, my fingers were freezing, along with my pointy nose and my elf ears, and he just loved it.

And then, the little man weaseled me into taking a walk with him, which I thought was just a meandering down the lane, but this kid had a purpose in mind when he pointed at the gate and said, ou, ou... so ou we went, and didn't he go two houses down and sit on some other kid's bike! Hahahaha, it was sitting in the front of their house, and he thought that was just right.

I finally managed to coax him indoors with the promise of the big yellow truck, which he thoroughly enjoyed

for about 3 minutes. (this is my favorite image of the day, not sure why, but I love it)

and then we were outside again... hahaha, doesn't he look like a forest gnome on his stone stump? I saw this sitting in the yard and made a beeline to it with Konrad trailing happily behind me, ou, ou, ou...

Once done with the stoop, it was his turn to lead again... oh little man... such an adventurer... he even picked up a walking stick... hahaha!!!

and the day's never complete without a turn in the bucket... and the babysitter shivering in the 50 degree afternoon... hahaha! Miami, here I come!!

What an amazing day we had... the world is such a wonderful place...
Oh Miriam, your post had me in tears of laughter! It was so wonderful to see you today and I look forward to your next visit. I'm amazed how much Konrad did/spoke et all for you today... things he hadn't ever done for us - amazing. I am so happy that it happened in the presence of your company!
Your posts are the best, and I'm not just saying that b/c this particular one is all about You and Konrad... the world through your eyes is wonderful! danke
Miriam is the best!
Miriam, I am so thrilled with all your stories and pictures of Konrad. As an Aunt who lives far away, your blog means so much. And, I know he just adores you because Corey has told me so. THANK YOU!
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