Off of the mountain and back to DC...

Off of the mountain and back to DC...

Friday, January 15, 2010


Hey all, the images coming out of Haiti are just devastating. Chris and I had the opportunity to go down to the Dominican Republic with Gang Merv (thanks Merv!!) last year, and that side of the island, once outside of the resorts was dirt poor, so I can only imagine the state of affairs on the other side of the island if the DR was the better half.
So, I got online this morning to the Doctors without borders site and made a donation, and if you have any loose coins laying around, I ask you to do the same.
Anyone whom has lived through weather in the states knows how lucky we are, Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Katrina, the 1989 SF Earthquake, the endless tornadoes in the plains, help is immediate (well, almost for the Katrina survivors), hospitals are available, and medicine is sanitary, we are rich and lucky.
Here's the Doctors without Borders website

Cheers, and please donate if you can.

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