Holy Moly, 40 degrees feels so WARM!! Hahaha, we've been under freezing during the days for so long, that for the last couple of days it's been in the 40's and I feel like grabbing my bathing suit and laying out in the sun (well almost, there's still snow on the ground, so that's just not happening, but it still feels so much warmer!). Anyhoo, the hounds and I packed it in to go visit with Chris and Cane for the afternoon and try to get some running time in before the earth realizes what's going on and drops us back into the freezer. Chris and Hank stayed indoors and the younger hounds and I went for a walk along the canal path. With everything going on, I've forgotten how much I enjoy these long walks with the dogs. The days are beautiful (and so damn cold! even though I just said it was so warm, it's still only in the 40's and that's stupid cold!), and the rivers are lovely in the winter light. Here are some pics, enjoy.

HA! I'll start out with a doozy! Check out the mad ninja moves by Cane as he narrowly avoids being mauled by an overjoyed June. These two hounds are inseperable. I feel bad that when Chris and I parted, that they too had to part. They still see one another often as we're only 15 miles up the mountain, but still... whenever Chris comes to pick up Cane, June just sits by the door, looking out the window, waiting for him to come back.

here's June figuring out how to out ninja Cane... it's pretty impossible. She's not nearly as fast or flexible. Cane is built like a deer and June is well, built like a fat lab.

HA! here's Cane just living it up. He LOVES making her chase him. He runs laps around her and it makes her so MAD!

She is in full out run and look at Cane, looking back at her, taking his sweet as time, and then in a moment, he makes a 90 degrree turn and books it, and she has to do a three point turn (mac truck style) as she slams on the brakes and then looks around to find him, it's hilarious!

and while she's looking around, he comes at her from behind and just nails her. here she is almost finished rolling down the hill after Cane clobbered her close to the top. Hahaha, look at him just laughing and playing while she just gets pissed!

HHHHHHahahahahah!!! Here she comes and Cane knows it! I love this picture! Cane's got his eyes closed just waiting for her to get him! He's a good older brother like that, he knows when he's pushing it too far, and then he'll slow down and let her get him a good one in before he takes off again.

it was such a beautiful day! It got up to 50 degrees yesterday and although I was bundled up and still had my gloves on, I could feel the sun on my hair and it felt so great!

yup, still winter though... Isn't this lovely? It's ice that had been frozen onto tree roots and as it melted away from the tree, it left these patterns in the ice...cool...

I don't know how they do it, but they both went into the water and continued to play as if it were summer. They were only in it for a few moments, to drink and a bit of play, but it must have been SO cold...

stupid showoff's... I had to keep moving to stay warm, and these jerks played in the river...

I finally had to go back inside because I was chilled to the bone, but hahaha, hey Junie, what's that on your face? yup, I think it's happy hound slobber from a very good day.
YES! Frozen slober is great! Hey, I'm saving up to buy a good digital camera because I'm really interested in taking photography (for personal use, not professional). What is a good budget to have for a good beginner camera? Any suggestions would be great. :)
I always LOVE your pictures.
Last week in Miami, we were scraping frost off the car windshield and today I had on a tank top, shorts, and flip flops outside during yard work. Ridiculous!!!
Lucky dogs! What a life!!
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