It's been a while since I've seen Dean and Steve in Harpers Ferry. So, yesterday I made a point of stopping in for a visit and was overjoyed by Dean's new fosters. Dozer is a 3 month old tank of a hound, 30 pounds already, and just a mess of legs and speed and girth. Atia is his cartoon nemesis, weighing in at 14 pounds at 8 months old and as dainty as a fairy. I brought June and the bunch of us, Dean, Steve, their two hounds, Dash and Roux, their fosters, Atia, Dozer, and Moses, June and I, sat in the late morning sun drinking coffee and taking in the awesome weather. The hounds played around us everywhere and we finally had a chance to catch up. Steve broke his arm in the big snow, and this is the first time I've seen them since before I moved out of Chris' place and up onto the mountain. Thanks men, for being so awesome (and snarky!!), June and I had a blast!
So, this is Dozer... and he's up for adoption... (just saying he's freaking awesome!!! If any one's looking for a hound that's going to be over a hundred pounds)

Ugh, he's so awesome! I wouldn't trade June for anything, but this was the kind of dog I envisioned rescuing after Roark passed last year... Big, Bull, monster, sweet hound...

HA! and this is Atia... hahahahaha!!! I'm not a small dog fan, but look at that 'tude!!! Hahahaha!!! She's a wee morsel, but so sassy!

One more time, I was so smitten with this big lug!!

hahaha, he's so awesome, and stubborn, and big, and he just walks (or runs) into the sides of other dogs and barrels them over... June didn't want anything to do with him at ALL!!! hahaha

Hi Steve's head! Hahaha, I love these guys...

so apparently all I did while I was talking to Dean and Steve was make pictures of this guy. I'm amazed I know what either of them look like, as I don't think I bothered to look up at them once... thank goodness they're used to me and my camera face...

UGh, stupid love this picture...

being one of Dean's fosters is like going to heaven. They all get adopted out fatter (MUCH fatter) and happier and beautifully socialized... seriously, look at Dozer's expression... total bliss...

yup, it's good to be a Dean foster...

HA! and here's wee Atia again, who almost jumped this fence with such ease, that I wouldn't bat an eye in shock when she attempts to jump the house... she's spring loaded! (and ALL eyes on Dean!!)

oh huh huh huh... monkey see, fat monkey do... Hahahah oh Dozer, spring loaded you are not!
How Brilliant!!! Loved seeing you again.. It had been WAY too long since your last visit.
Dozer sends his hugs!!
He really is a terrific fella!
You made me blush... "heaven" not quite, but I do do my best.
(yes, I said DO DO)
Oh, I forgot to tell you...
Moses isn't a foster any longer.
He's mine!!! YAY!!!
What a terrific guy Dean is to be an adoptive daddy to all these dogs till they have a permanent home!!! There's a special place in heaven for guys like Dean.
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