I've been so busy recently that I haven't even thought about writing. Lame, I know... I'm still in the weeds so here's a picture that Justin posted of me on Facebook from High school... hahahha, yup, I used to blow out my hair straight every morning in the hopes that one day I'd wake up and I wouldn't have to do it anymore... which finally happened when I gave it up and just let my curly hair be curly...

So, in the next few weeks, I'll be moving back into DC, once I find a place, box up my little blue house and have the sad keys to a new apartment not nearly as nice as my little blue house dropped into my waiting hand. As soon as everything settles down, I'll get back up to speed on the blog. As for now, I'm in duck and cover mode.
I should remind myself to talk about, falling down in the middle of the street while looking at pretty leaves on my way to work (yup, it was awesome, and not at all humiliating), having some dude tell me my tattoos turned him off, (another awesome April moment), getting chewed out by millionaires (I'm on a roll, I wish every month could be April), and hanging out with WWII Liberators of the concentration camps (that was so awesome, I'm still processing all the good parts, and I can't wait to talk about it and show pictures, my job at the Museum is amazing!!)
Wish me luck...

wish there were two of me...

wish it was June already so I wouldn't have to deal with any of this... or wish I was this June, so I wouldn't have to deal with the move back to DC...
Love the tattoo comment. A guy told me once that my fat turned him off. I told him it wasn't my job to make his dick hard.
I'm classy like that.
Oh, and I'm sorry about the bad word. :<
oh Sarah, you're hilarious, and always classy in my book...
Leaving? Oh Miriam. I'm sad, but happy for you all at once. Has a year passed that quickly? Have you taken the job? (duh)
Please let's get together PLEASE.
Dude what is up with people telling you they don't like your tatoos? Oh that pisses me off.
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