I love carpenter bees, they huge, loud, round, bossy, territorial, dumb ass, no aim, drunk bastards and they are one of my favorite things about spring. Guess who has a crush on them too...

oh yeah... my girl is in L-U-V, luvvvvv...
I was outside testing my time lapse options on my camera, preparing for a shoot next Thursday that I can't miss, so I'm setting up a camera on a lighting scaffold and letting it shoot the crowd while I'm on the floor photographing the event. Anyhoo, Hank was sleeping on the couch (ooh! surprise!, really?) and June was out with me, after I dialed in my timer and intervals, etc, I turned my attention to June and her new friends.

Carpenter bees are really cool, I know they're all destructive as get out, but they really played with June. When she'd lose interest they'd fly high closer to the shed roof, but when she came back around, they'd fly low and buzz her, really getting close to make her give chase.

June on the other side, although she could have caught them and killed them, when she'd snap at them, I could see a few times that she'd pull up short to make sure the game continued.

Fucking nature is awesome. (Sorry for the f-bomb Mom). Here are some fun images of June and her pals, enjoy, we did. I can see June from where I'm sitting inside. The front door is wide open and she's sitting in the sun with her chin tiled up and her eyes closed. Hank is in a sun spot on the couch next to me, and the dryer is making good on it's name with the bed sheets, kitchen is clean, nose prints are off the glass in the front door, the house has been swept, bathrooms cleaned, and the last thing to do is mop. One of my favorite tunes is on, I'm not huge on Sean Hayes, but this tune is great, rattlesnake charm.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mTjpAiPvCA&feature=relatedI'm blogging, and when I'm done I'm going to call, my Mom, Aunt Martha, and Bubba. I've already spoken to AuntiAfro and had my usual weekend skype coffee date with Aly. I am having an amazing Sunday. Hope everyone else is too.
Cheers, and here's more Junie June.

Look at how low they were, watching her, baiting her, and she loved it all!

Ooh they were so great together, maybe 4 or 5 bees and June

hey! who's chasing who!

click on this picture to see a larger version. Hahahaha!! oh June! Happy birthday sweet hound, you turned a year old yesterday or sometime within this week, but I like to think it was yesterday, because then she and my Mother can share a birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!!
If it was Zbo she would be running, extremely fast in the other direction...with her tail between her legs. Honest to God, I have seen it!
Awesome pictures Miriam! I love carpender bees and redheaded dogs :)
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