When I left Miami last Friday, I didn't go directly home, instead I diverted to Winterpark, Fla (yeah, my thoughts exactly, WHERE?!!) and AuntiAfro picked me up and took me to gorge on sushi (I love this woman). I loved this restaurant!
http://fujisushiwinterpark.com/menu.htmcheck out their sushi menu, I've never seen a menu so big!!! MMmmmmmm, sushi!!!
Afro is my mother's youngest sister. She's down 10 years on my Mom and so when she was 16 and unruly, she lived with my Mom and Pop while they were pregnant with me. Well, she apparently rubbed off on me in the womb, because we are so much alike, she and my Mom joke that Afro should have been my mother...
So, we have a long and awesome history together. AuntiAfro took me to see the Rolling Stones when I was 12, and several other concerts that my mother had no interest in, but that Afro couldn't bear to miss. Why she'd want to take a teenager is a mystery to me, but I'm so glad I got to hump along on all of her amazing trips. Anyoo, we made an amazing weekend together. We packed it full up and yet, we had nothing but time... no rushing, nowhere to be except where ever we were... it was awesome!

Saturday morning, still full of sushi and armed with coffee, we took the hounds for a walk through the town of Lake Helen, where AuntiAfro lives. Lake Helen is 'Old Florida', it's what the state looked like before it got raped by home owners associations, gated communities and Miami fashion shows and turkey snowbirds... this is pre air conditioning, pre 55 miles and hour abilities, and pre strip malls. It's sleepy, separated, built to be community oriented, and just beautiful...

here's a sign we saw at the post office... I love this town!! hahaha!!! If it's too small to see, the sign says:
Lost FFA Steer. I have lost a black Brangus steer. His ear tag number is (I've scrubbed it out of focus). He has a black and white rope halter. Last seen on the lake, north side of McCracken RD. On 12/21/2009 at approximately 5:00 PM. He is 8 months old. 450 lbs. He is not mean, just scared. With any information please call (I've scrubbed the phone number). Yup, that's a good sign, I hope they find him... poor scared steer.

anyhoo, here's the rest of the walk... I miss things about Florida, a lot, but I still don't think I could ever move back there. I like the north, the mountains, streams, colors, trees... they just feel right. Although a tree pregnant with bright orange fruit is hard to beat.

ugh!! look at this winky tree and all the fruit it's putting off. The oranges are HUGE! I wanted to put the tree in my suitcase and take it with me...

HA! I'm totally getting online and finding a monkey costume for Hank... Later that afternoon we drove into DeLand to see the dog parade. It was hilarious, the weather was glorious and we had an absolute ball!! Here's a little poodle thing dressed as a monkey. he would run and jump on his person's leg and then twirl around, and I just laughed and laughed, he really did look just like a little monkey! hhahahaha!!!

Ha! this little guy was sitting in front of us watching the parade.

This one and his brother were behind us. When we were younger, AuntiAfro had a parrot like this one and a beautiful African Gray too... I was always scared of her parrot (because it was HUGE, and because he was so LOUD!!!) but they are such beautiful creatures!

Hahahaha!! And this bubbling beast was in the parade! oh no... that slobber issue is out of control!

oh hahaha, cotton candy poodle!

oh haha, and this guy, he was in the parade too... jeez louise!! hahaha!! Look at her pride!

so I fudged this picture. I took a picture of Afro sitting alone and then she took one of me. We did this because there was no one else around and ...

we decided it would be a brilliant idea to get our faces painted, so we needed a 'before' picture

getting our faces painted, a spontaneous decision at the dog parade, was the best thing we did all weekend!

We were both thrilled with our faces and we kept the paint on all weekend! here's AuntiAfro saying 'Cool'! hahaha!!!

we walked around the rest of the parade with it on, and then went out to dinner, then walked around the mall, then went to see Avatar in 3-D and IMAX in it and then we carefully tucked ourselves in for the evening in it too...

but not before making some awesome photobooth mac images of ourselves!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!

We had the best time together!! hahaha, look at us! it was probably midnight, we were so full of popcorn, I thought I was going to have a hernia trying to keep my stomach from pushing through it's muscles and oozing comfortably to the floor with a huge sigh or relief... and there we were, making faces into a little black dot on the top of my computer screen.

hahaha, it was so time to go to bed... that's just creepy looking!

the next morning, we got up and went to yoga, with our faces still intact, of course, and then we hit the local diner... AuntiAfro commented on how many people smiled at us with the paint on our face. We did get a lot of attention, and it was really quite nice to elicit smiles from folks who would usually just glide past us without noticing. Silly usses, looking like fools who'd lost their circus, made people smile where ever we went... hey, that's pretty great... I was sorry to have to finally take a shower, but I was so itchy and dirty, it had to be done...

Sunday afternoon, we ran with the dogs for a while. AuntiAfro had the tragedy of having one of her hounds die when she ran out into the road (55mph) and tangle with a car. Since then, she's gotten two more snow dogs to go with her 12 year old little brown hound, and she also built them an awesome playground so they never go near the road again.

Here's their formal portrait in their playground. (L-R) Z'bo, T'kayia, and Twiyllah... hmm, I'm sure I spelled at least 2 of those incorrectly... sorry A.Afro!!

The playground was a hoot and we stayed out there until I was too cold to enjoy it anymore. Of course I pick the week in Miami and DeLand that it was cold as balls... oh yeah, and then I returned to WV to 2.5 feet of snow... ugh winter can eat a dick...

A.Afro's hounds are wild and young and so affectionate... I loved being around them and was very lonely for Hank and June.

HA! Here they are eating the rest of our movie popcorn... you gotta love the corn...

Z'bo reminds me of Hank. She's snowing down, and thinning out, and she's mildly bossy, and just has stopped giving a damn about being good or listening. Luckily they're good dogs and even though they could care less, they are still well behaved in spite of their attitudes...

HA! Here she is in her Queenly jacket. I love this picture, all the textures are lovely.

hmm... look familiar... little blue house on a lot of land... uh huh... I'm telling you... she totally could have been my mom... I might not have made it through my teenage years alive, my mom had the patience of a saint, but there's definitely a theme here...
hahaha!! Love you AuntiAfro!!
1 comment:
What an incredible visit you had and what an incredible sister I have! And yes, you both are so much alike!!!!!!! So glad you both enjoyed yourselves enormously!
Mom and Sis
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