This is my Mother's back yard, and the yard where I spent my youth. Where the pool is now, there used to be a play set with swings, and a slide, etc... and there are pictures of Aaron and I hanging on one another like monkeys and sticking our tongues out at my mother, making the picture. There used to be mango trees, avocado, banana, orange, grapefruit, and key lime trees too, but blights and hurricanes have taken them all but a couple of mango trees and the avocado tree. This yard is truly a piece of heaven.

a piece of heaven...

so, here's a fun story, thanks to facebook. On New Year's eve, I was sitting in my little blue house, alone, and was on facebook, just idly being a voyeur... when all of the sudden, I got a ping from Anita (shown here with her husband Frank), and Jane. Jane used to live across the street from me when I was growing up, and she and my mother were very close. Jane and Anita were the best of friends and so the three ladies spent some time together, well, actually for many years. Anita and Frank have 2 daughters and Jane and Gene have 2 sons and a daughter, and we're all relatively close in age, all of us within 10 years of each other... so, back to NYE... Anita and Jane and I were all drinking wine and we proceeded to have an hour long messaging session that culminated with me promising to visit Anita when I got into Miami. Weird right, having drunk fun with my Mother's old friends, but well, that's what facebook is all about... so when I got to Miami, I called Anita and invited myself over.

I had a great time over there and we even got silly enough to stand with a gap between us, so we could insert Jane into the mix, hahaha!!! we're so clever when we're drinking!

here's their cat, whose name I forget, but should be named cheerio, because he loves to chase them! hahaha, check it out!

yup, he was the cheerio king!

now I'm starting to get put of order, and just rambling, but I did so much down there in Miami, that my sequencing is muddling... anyhoo, here's Sheila getting some puppy love from my Mother. I learned to love animals from this woman. I would bring home all sorts of strays and she would inevitably say ok to keeping them. She's always so kind with them and animals live forever in her house. We had a cat that was older than my brother for 21 years, we used to tease him and tell him that his older sister, the cat, not me, got more attention than he did! hahaha...

Here's my mother being playful. Look at the mirth in her eyes... yup, that's where I get mine too... she was a tough Mom and I was a rotten kid, but my play, my love of all things silly and my easy way is directly from her... she's nutty, but she's fun! Love you Mom!!

Hahaa, here's my Mom and Samantha's Dad joking around at The Palace. The Palace is the assisted living home that both my Bubba and Samantha's grandfather live. My Bubba calls it the Prison, but you know, I kind of agree with her, it's like a college dorm with all single rooms, and although you should be sunsetting gracefully into the sweet here after, there's always someone asking you if you're ok, who's probably a quarter of your age, and well, of course you're not ok, you can no longer live on your own, and you're old, and your mind or body, or both are heading south, rapidly... it's tough. That said, I think that the Palace (the Prison) is a great opportunity, and my Bubba is lucky to have the money to live in assisted living.

We were listening to a lady cover Benny Goodman showtunes in the common area after an Italian dinner, on a Thursday evening. Life is good. Bubba said no pictures so this is the only one I got... she's so sassy sometimes!!

Back at home, Samantha made some pictures of my Mom and I being, my Mom and I...

I like this one...

the next afternoon, before I left Miami, I wanted to get a picture of us made my way (arms outstretched and doing it myself... Here I am testing light, usually I just erase these tests because I most often look like a moron, but I like this one...

aah, Mom, you're so awesome, but why do I have more gray hair than you do... Miami was so warm (and sometimes cold!!) and wonderful. I need to get down there more often... it's a whole 'nother world down there!
I'm glad to be the first post of this particular blog. Just to let you know a couple of things:
1) The lounge chair Miriam is relaxing in was put together by Mel, my hubby, and I the night before she arrived. That's what I call good timing. Her tush was the first one to sit in it.
2) Jane Eckstein was the closest friend I ever had. The six years she lived across the street were terrific! Anita was her best friend and rightly so. I'm so sorry they moved away and even sorryier that we have not kept in touch the way we should have.
3) Sheelah, my dog, will be 17 years old in April. She has been a lifesaver to me and I can't imagine the world without her.
4) Yes, I was a tough mom and when Miriam got into 8th grade and throughout high school, she was a challenge. She wasn't rotten, just challenging. I wish I had been sillier, goofier, and more relaxed with her. Having two teachers as parents often isn't easy.
5) Miriam got her love of reading and her love of photography from me. I want to take credit for that!
This is from Susan, NOT Susie...please let that be on the record. I think, Miriam, that you got Susie from your Mom...so I kind of let her get away with it! I really despise that name...not sure why...but I do!
It was so awesome seeing you! It was like old times...you look the same BUT I feel like I really aged!
Your Mom is so awesome with animals and I think equally awesome with her children except back then when you were growing up, it was hard to have a "tough" Mom! Someone had to be tough, so why not Amy???
Amy protected you and Todd...you do not know to what extent. Amy is admirable in every way possible and I truly believe (I know that you certainly do not want to hear this!) but you are a "chip" off the old block. I can just picture your Mom being as carefree as you are---Miriam a belated flower child from the 60's (though you were not born yet) but if Amy would relax which I think she is finally doing with Mel---you will see the true Amy!
Enough said BEFORE I get into trouble here...
It was an honor to see you this past month!
Thank you, Amy, for organizing this momentous occasion!!!
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