So, this morning, surprise, snow's still here... we're supposed to get more on Monday. I'm over it. June, is still quite loving it. She's a snow devil, a little red tumbleweed in the white wind... she's freaking hilarious, and every time I feel like spitting in the wind, when it's blowing in my direction, she does something worthy of the short bus and I feel so fine.
June and Hank are staying with Chris over the weekend and I'm heading to New York... to get out of the snow... I was talking to Aunt Martha this afternoon and came to the realization that I head north for the winter to stay warm. Last year, with Aunt Mart's bum wing, I was warmer than I would have been in Harpers Ferry (trailer vs, stone house... trailer wins by default of winky space). This year, after three feet of snow... check it... OVER 3 FEET OF SNOW, WV can eat my shivering (imaginary) nads, I'm heading north to get out of the snow, and back I go to Middletown... Anyhoo, I spent some great time this afternoon digging out the car (oh joy, oh yeah...) and goofing off with the hounds. Chris came over for dinner and we did the whole, 'wonder twins unite! Form of two left over dinners!' and bam, I meant, BAM!! I had left over mashed potatoes and Chris had left over deer mushroom stuff, add a bit of sour cream, and oooh, feel the love. My pants are unbuttoned, I'm leaning back (to be closer to the wood stove of course, I'm not crude, you know...) and darn, we ate well. A nip of Jameson's to warm me while I'm writing, and well, winter has its purpose... (to make all swimsuits look bad!)
OK, but really, I've been in the house for a week now, and I'm a bit itchy to talk... (very itchy, I'll leave you with pictures before I make a complete ass out of myself... I really hope that hasn't happened yet...)
*sigh*... enjoy

Yay, look at Hank, he's outdoors, against his will, but all the same, he had a big day. I made him stay outside with us while I shoveled the car out (ugh!!! AGAIN!!!) June is not used to sharing the spot light, and every time I went to make a portrait of Hank, she'd come running at me like a grenade of joy. Hahaha, this one took me off my feet! Naughty puppy!!

Hahahaha!!! Hank's waiting to go back inside and is ignoring my callings to him, and June... well... June is just being an idiot... she stuck her whole head inside the snow... I was tempted to make a picture of the big dumb hole she left, but it was a boring picture... she's a moron sometimes, and SO funny!!!

ok, so she's a moron a lot of the time, hahaha, check out her gait, she's all the way up in the air... and Hank... poor Hank is sticking it out... I think he thinks my name is Dante... all those layers of hell he navigates everyday... *sigh* it's tough being Hank...

hahahaha.... I do not want to be around when he finally gets his super power death ray eyes kit in the mail... that's all I'm saying...

Hank slunk off to wait by the door, and June took the opportunity to go bananas... She loves the snow!! She loves the river, she loves the fall leaves, she just loves being outdoors... I love that she's going to keep me active all year round! Good hound!

HA!!! so, while I was kicking snow at her, or throwing snowballs, she found out that she could go a lot faster and save a lot of energy if she made like a bobsled and used the banks of snow as a source of potential energy! Zoom!!!! she'd get up to speed, and then lean into the wall and careen past me like it was Hound Olympics... Oh!! and I totally forgot to say thanks for the awesomeness that is 'Brad', my neighbor!! Yesterday, while I was in the final stages of wedding editing, I looked up and saw a big yellow thing, like a bobcat, moving snow... and I thought, oh yeah, they're finally plowing the street... and then I looked up again and thought, holy hell!! That's not the street, that's my damn yard!! WTF!!! So I got on my milk boots, threw on my jacket and went outside to see if, 1- my car was in one piece, and 2- why they thought that my front yard was the road! Well, it turns out that my neighbor, 'Brad' wanted to help his new neighbor, and his wife had gave him the go ahead to play with his new toy, which happened to be a big yellow bobcat. I love my new neighbor and his kind wife. Brad plowed me out of my house, around my car, and made enough room for Chris to park today... Dude, this guy's got good karma coming out of his arse!! June was in heaven with all the level playing space, and I finally got the front of my car shoveled out and I made it from the house to my car without getting snow in my boots... it was a really good day!!!
Not that Brad knows me or reads my blog, but... THANK YOU TO ALL THE BRAD'S OF THE WORLD!!! You don't know how long this would have taken me!!! (I don't know how long this would have taken me, I've never seen this much snow!!)

Check it out, June is in the world before Brad... I'm making pictures from the world after Brad... things are looking up...

before Brad... boots full of snow... tired after making it from house to road... mail not being delivered because mailbox cannot be reached... and after Brad... all things are mellow... emphasis on the low...

this is my favorite picture of the day... this one says to me... 'life is so great!'

hahaha, this one says to me, my hound is a moron... hahaha!!! What a great real estate portrait!! Buy this house, loads of fun, good price, dog not included... little red shed stays... I love my little place!

Hank loves playing ball. When he was young, he'd fetch until my arms were rubber and he was gasping like he'd smoked a pack of Pal Malls' before playing. Now a'days, he has trouble seeing the ball to catch it, and jerky June always beats him to it when he tries to get it. Here's June, also glad nothing's been delivered in the mail (ie... super power death ray eye kit)

aah, hahaha, here she is rubbing it in... naughty dog!! Younger sisters are the worst!!! (um, no offense Megan! You're a good one!) Hahaha, here's Hank making for the front door, completely disgusted with all the women in his life!!

Yup, we still have snow, and life is still good, although sometimes harder than we'd like...(especially if you're an almost nekked hound in a jerky sweater... surrounded by ladies that are not as funny as they think they are...)
I absolutely love the picture of June with her head in the snow. Reminds me of the expression "The grass is always greener on the other side."
And Hank's expression is priceless! He's saying, "You rejected the offer of my moving to Miami to live out the rest of my life??? Are you crazy???"
Thank goodness for good neighbors! It makes your mother feel more comfortable knowing you're not on the mountain alone. Thank Brad and Bob for me.
Hi to Chris and tell him he owes you a couple of homemade dinners from the cooking magazine.
Enjoy your time with Aunt Martha. Hope you get to see Aunt Mary and all the cousins, too.
Awww Hank. I feel for him, what a great boy. He is like... let me in ok? June, on the other hand is so bouncy-fun. I'm wondering if you have any pictures of her calm? (not sleeping) hee-hee
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