So, back to the snow... today is beautiful!! The sky is a deep blue and the shadows of the trees on the snow are lovely! June and I managed to blaze a trail all the way out to the road, and after over an hour of digging, I finally managed to uncover at least a quarter of my car... I think I'm done with the car today, and will clean off the deck instead. I'm afraid the weight of the snow will put unneeded stress on the deck (and I'm also afraid of the long trek back to the car, so screw that), so my goal today is get the deck cleaned off and finish talking about Miami. Done with Miami, so now it's time for the deck. Wish my luck!
Here are some shots from today, enjoy!

HA!! There's a car under there somewhere. I leaned the snow shovel against what I assumed to be the car. Check out how far away the house is... it took June and I about 15 minutes just to blaze a trail all the way out to the road and the car... walking through 2.5 feet of snow is not easy!!

But, check out the road!! Totally passable, so it's just us and the car that are snowed in, it seems the rest of the world is able to move around freely... sigh... I've got a lot of shoveling to do...

AAArgh!!! This was after about an hour... and I'm not a wimpy slacker, I just had to dog to the car, and then start digging it out...

this was as far as I got, which is lame, but I also managed to dog out about 4 feet in front of the car, so when I finally reach the road (I've got about another 5 feet to shovel before I reach it), all the car has to do is go down hill.

Here's June sitting on the walking path we blazed to the street. When I finally crested the plow hill of snow, and staggered out onto the street, I had to lean over and put my hands on my thighs and take big long controlled breaths... HHHHHHhahahahahah!! Yup, house to road, blazing snow trails sucks butt!!

but it's all worth it to make a sweet picture like this one... Here's Junie June sitting on the plow hill while O shoot her from the street...

once I called it quits on the car, we trudged our way, well, I trudged my way back towards the house, while June frolicked in front of me in the trail.

Ha, we are making quite a maze in front of the house. When I was talking to Aly this morning, she asked me if I'd hidden pieces of cheese at the ends for myself... hahaha, I'm a clever mouse!

This is the trail that leads out to the road and the car... I was coughing I was so worn out by te snow, but this little turkey could have been out in it all day long...

aah, back inside the blissful little blue house... check out all of June's toys that she loves to drag out of her basket. My Mother says half of her life is devoted to opening and closing the windows in Miami because she's constantly turning on and off the air conditioning... half of my life is devoted to putting June's toys back in her basket, because her simple joy is taking them all out, and surrounding herself with them so they can all watch with horror as she decimates one of them... it's very barbaric, but she looks so cute in her cruelty... hahaha!!

and Hank has assumed the position again this morning... poor old man... he's snoring next to me right now...
1 comment:
You've really got to be of great "stock" to live in the north. All that work shoveling snow!! While you were shoveling snow, I was lamely raking leaves, which, even for Miami, is a rarity. Our Super Bowl weather was picture perfect. Miami only has wonderful weather when the rest of the nation is suffering. How sad!!
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