The June and I went out into the snow to assess the situation. Last night it was at 19 inches when I went to bed, and right now it's at 28 inches and the snow is still falling. To put this into perspective, I made some measurements of all the usses in the house. Hank is sleeping on the couch so I didn't measure him, but I did make a lovely picture...

Here is was yesterday when Bob came over. As soon as Bob sat down, Hank parked himself firmly in his lap and then went to sleep immediately... hahaha, oh sweet hound... he's hating every minute of snow

Here he is this afternoon. I think he's willing himself to stay asleep until this whole thing blows over... hahaha, poor old man... I mean, come on!! HIS EYES ARE OPEN!! but when I call to him, he just ignores me and pretends to sleep...

man, it's tough being a snow dog... Here's June after one of her romps... she's just the sweetest hound!!

OK, so back to the measurements... This is 28 inches of snow... doesn't look so terrible right? I mean, it's not as if the door has snow up to its top hinges... well...

let's see... I am 5 feet and 3.75 inches. My length from heel to hip bone is 35 inches, and from heel to bottom of the old ass is 31 inches... ugh... my ass is 4 inches long... what a thing to learn... anyways, I weigh 135 pounds.

my dear Junie June is 21 inches from toes to the top of her back, and she weighs 58 pounds. Now, being from Miami, and apparently mildly retarded, when I stepped out into the snow, I thought that I too would just float over it jumping and laughing just like June

and then I sank into the snow up to my 4 inch ass... really... I'm a moron... there was no floating, no skipping happily along bouncing after my little red dog... hahaha!!! 28 inches is an incredible amount of snow!!!

show off!!!


HA! This looks more like me out there... covered, and heading back to the house!

hahaha!!! She's 21 inches at her back and almost 27 inches when she stretches her head and neck up as far as they will go... Damn!! That's a lot of snow!!

we made our way over to the shed so I could set my camera up on a trash can

YAY for camera timers!! Holy Moly! Look at all the snow!! It's amazing cold and light and fluffy and so beautiful!! I have on long johns, 2 pairs of socks, my milk boots (wading boots), jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a short sleeve one, a sweater, my 'hard wear' fleece, and my jacket. Oh, and gloves... hahaha!!! And when I weighed myself after putting all of that on, I weighed 142 pounds! Hahaha, I was wearing 7 pounds of clothing!

hahaha!! And then I decided that I was going to make a snow angel on camera. Yeah... not so bright because I got stuck in the snow. I was caught turtle on my back and I couldn't roll over because when I pushed down into the snow, I just kept sinking, and I couldn't find any leverage. You can't tell from the image, but I was close to panicking... hahaha!! It would be just my Irish luck to be written up by the coroners as 'death by snow angel'... Anyhoo, I finally managed to roll to my side, get a face full of snow in the process (not so beautiful when you're eating it), find the bottom and push myself up


while I was making snow angels, June was making snow tunnels. The front yard looked like there was a full on soccer riot with tear gas and cockney accents.

Here's June pushing through the snow... hehehe I imagine this is what I looked like too,eyes all bulging, lurching through the snow, bundled up like a dirty Michelin man, making our way back to the house

aah, sweet snow hound, check out her wicked Hitler snowstache... it's time to go in... I'm sure we'll be out again soon. It's 3pm and it's still snowing... and since the high tomorrow is going to be 32 degrees, yup, the high tomorrow is going to be Freezing... lovely... I imagine that there will be a ton more snow pictures on the way. In the mean time, I'm going to start working on my Miami pictures (if I can bear it... sunshine, dog parades, short sleeves... warm nights... makes my soul want to weep silently in a corner with a big dunce cap on... why did I move north?!!) hahaha! I love the seasons, just in moderation, please...
Death by snow angel...if only we could all be so blessed. Ha!
What fun!!! Maybe it only looks like fun when you really can't imagine the cold. But you both look like you're having a ball! You should have taken Hank on the train with you and left him here to live out his years in Miami. He'd be basking in the sunshine.
PS - Now you know who you inherited your tush from. I've got a lot more to give on that note so just be happy you didn't get it all.
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